Now You See Me

Now You See Me by Pamela L. Todd

You may or may not be aware that my amazing wife has had her second book publishedΒ it’s has been available to buy for a couple of months. Over the christmas break I decided I would go out of my comfort zone a pick up an eBook copy to read. This is not generally my pick of book, I am not one for fiction (I call it made up nonsense), but everywhere we were going people where commenting on my wife’s book and how good it was. So I decided that I had to pick up a copy and read it for myself. Boy was I shocked!

I say I was shocked, but not shocked in a sense that things she has written about make me embarrassed or blush. But shocked in a very good way. As I was reading through the book I kept stopping and having to pinch myself that I was reading a book that was written by my wife!

Being a person who would go out of their way to not have to read a fiction book, I was super surprised when I started reading the book and I could not put it down, I just kept telling myself, more more page and I’ll stop. That turned into half hour, then an hour. The story was very written and at points you thought you could see what was coming but quite the opposite happened, and then you think you are getting towards the end of the story, as you think not much more can happen then it changes and goes on for a few more chapters.

This being my first fiction book I have read since leaving school, and as I enjoyed it so much I am going to start considering a few more fiction books to add to my to read pile for the year.

You can buy a copy from AmazonΒ or from the publisher TotallyBound.