Professional Scrum Master I

Back in 2014 I took the notion to learn more about “scrum” an agile methodology for software development. Getting a book and reading what I could on the internet about the subject. Then last year I was involved as aย developer within a scrum team. Along the way I was taking note of the different items around scrum, picking up different parts of the methodology, getting involved and asking question.

As time went on I decided I really liked the idea of “scrum” and the methodology, and in the last quarter of 2015 I started looking into scrum master certifications, and to getting a much better understanding. My research lead me to where you can do an online assessment for the PSM I (Professional Scrum Master I). does not require a course to be taking, but it’s recommended. After more research I found people stating that if you’ve been involved in the scrum process and have do your own homework you should be able to pass the test. So I decided this is the route I would go, using the hands on knowledge I’ve acquired from being part of a scrum team, and doing my own research to gain a PSM I certification. I was surprised at how much homework I had to do to get up to speed, just being part of a scrum team did not provide me with all the knowledge. I took about a month to do all the research and reading to make sure I was ready for the online assessment.

I finally took the time on Saturday night to take the online assessment, and at $150 a test I wanted to make sure I passed first time. To pass you are required to get at least 85% from the 80 questions they provide, and you only have 60 minutes to take it. It’s been a while since I’ve sat a test, and I was pretty nervous about it. And to think 60 minutes is a lot of time, it’s not really, I had 10 minutes to spare after going back through the questions to check my answers, before I finally decided to hit the save and finish button. You get the results instantly which is nice, and I am glad to say I passed with a 91.3% score. They also generate a certification for you too to download if you so wish.