Responsible Responsive Design


The day Responsible Responsive Design was released I asked my boss if he would purchase a copy. The release of the book fell perfectly, as at work we had just started to embark on a new project that would be multi-device.

“Serve the right content across platforms, and tune for performance”

The book contains a lot of great information, and while the information contained within the book might not be anything new to yourself if you are constantly keeping up to date with HTML5/CSS3 and the latest ideas/features. What this book does do is consolidate all the latest information into a very small space and shows you real life examples of how some of these techniques have been applied on huge websites that are online today. Also, it shows you how this techniques can be used within your projects today.

Rather than spilling the beans on what’s in the book, as it’s a short book, only four chapters long, I urge you all to just purchase a copy from A Book Apart. For $9 (eBook) it’s an absolute bargin, and I am sure you’ll learn something from it.